Heat exchangers are devices in which heat is transferred from one fluid to another\nfluid as a result of temperature difference. Heat exchanger presented in\nthe current paper in which inside the tubes flows water, but outside the tubes\nflows air aims to enable cooling of circulating water, which serves to cool the\nengine of a machine. Such exchangers find application in the automotive industry\nas well as heating and cooling equipment and HVAC systems etc. The\nsurface of the heat exchanger by the air side always tends to be much larger\nusing surface fins in order to facilitate equalization of thermal resistance for\nboth sides of the heat exchanger, because the rate of transmission of heat from\nthe water side is much greater. Furthermore, the paper will present analytical\nand experimental studies involved for determination of performance of\nplate-fin heat exchanger for various flows of working fluids in order to get the\nhighest values of performances i.e. : overall heat transfer coefficient U, efficiency\nof heat exchanger , maximal and real heat transferred, pressure drop,\nair velocity and Reynolds number from the air side of heat exchanger etc. The\npresent scientific paper is based on the fact that from the experimental model\nmade for laboratory conditions, conclusions are derived that can be used\nduring installation of such heat exchanger on certain machines in order to\npredict their performance.